
0 Apple iTunes Song previews extended to 90 seconds in US

Apple To Extend iTunes Song Previews To 90 Seconds In The US

We are pleased to let you know that we are preparing to increase the length of music previews from 30 seconds to 90 seconds on the iTunes Store in the United States. We believe that giving potential customers more time to listen to your music will lead to more purchases.
  --says Apple iTunes
Apple has been busy informing music labels that it will be extending the length of the iTunes Store song previews in the US to 90 seconds for songs that are at least 2 minutes and 30 seconds long, while shorter songs will continue to receive the current 30 second samples. It was also mentioned that by continuing to offer their music on the iTunes Store, labels are indicating their acceptance of the new terms while those who do not agree must withdraw their music from the iTunes Store. If you're always complaining that 30 seconds isn't long enough to get into the main part of the song, this is definitely a win for you.

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